The new fur table contains a pack of packers separated from the tray in a big office drawer.
The new fur table contains a pack of packers separated from the tray in a big office drawer.
The new fur table contains a pack of packers separated from the tray in a big office drawer.
The new fur table contains a pack of packers separated from the tray in a big office drawer.

The new fur table contains a pack of packers separated from the tray in a big office drawer.

ManufacturerHebei Ying-Yang Shapes Ltd.
CategoryTake the dust.
Product categoryDesktop Accepter
Imported or notYes
Commodity characteristicsSupersedible
Let's finish the show.Living room, study, desk, drawer.
Scope of applicationRemote controls, stationery, mobile phones, paper towels, earphone wires / wires
StyleNew Chinese
PatternSolid Color
Specifications27.5*20*5.3 cm
OriginHebei Station.
Process CustomYes
Add LOGONo way.
Trade PropertiesInternal trade
Product listing time2022
Price period$20-30.
ColourLake blue, dark gray.
Dimensions27.5*20*5.3 cm
Whether or not to export a source of goods exclusively across bordersYes
Gross weight320 grams.

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