The real Pittot bag girl, 2021 new collage letter bag, big bag girl.
The real Pittot bag girl, 2021 new collage letter bag, big bag girl.
The real Pittot bag girl, 2021 new collage letter bag, big bag girl.
The real Pittot bag girl, 2021 new collage letter bag, big bag girl.

The real Pittot bag girl, 2021 new collage letter bag, big bag girl.

ManufacturerGuangzhou City American Leather Co. Ltd.
CategoryLadies' bags.
ColourGrid, MD Caramel Brown, MD Deep.
StyleAmerica and America are ancient.
Source categoryCash
Cortical characteristicsTwo layers of cow skin.
Flow styleTot pack.
Pack sizeMedium
Pop ElementsLace.
Listing year seasonSpring 2021
Package ShapeHorizontal Square
Internal structure of the packageZipper bag, cell phone bag, ID bag, zipper zipper bag.
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