Shaggy photo wall displayers display a heart-shaped photo wall with a mash-up wall kindergarten message board.
Shaggy photo wall displayers display a heart-shaped photo wall with a mash-up wall kindergarten message board.
Shaggy photo wall displayers display a heart-shaped photo wall with a mash-up wall kindergarten message board.
Shaggy photo wall displayers display a heart-shaped photo wall with a mash-up wall kindergarten message board.

Shaggy photo wall displayers display a heart-shaped photo wall with a mash-up wall kindergarten message board.

ManufacturerHebei Ying-Yang Shapes Ltd.
Quality standardOther
Component and contentCream polyester fibres
AliasShaggy photo wall display board
gramsAsk for more information about the customer service.
Specific usesPhoto wall, display panel.
Single goods numberMZZPQ-060501
Specifications9mm thick.
ColourQuery service.

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