Cross-border handbags, handbags, handbags, handbags.
Cross-border handbags, handbags, handbags, handbags.
Cross-border handbags, handbags, handbags, handbags.
Cross-border handbags, handbags, handbags, handbags.

Cross-border handbags, handbags, handbags, handbags.

ManufacturerRongzhou Industries Ltd.
CategoryLadies' bags.
StyleAmerica and America are ancient.
Flow styleSquare
Pack sizeSmall
Pop ElementsCar stitches.
Listing year seasonFall 2022
The inside.Purgatory
Package ShapeA cross-section formula
Internal structure of the packageThe zipper bag, the ID bag.
HardnessCentre Soft
There's an authorized brand.Yes
Is there a layer?None
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