The new French-language tortuous cow-skin knitting packs, large-capacity packs, small shoulder slops. Totto girl.
The new French-language tortuous cow-skin knitting packs, large-capacity packs, small shoulder slops. Totto girl.
The new French-language tortuous cow-skin knitting packs, large-capacity packs, small shoulder slops. Totto girl.
The new French-language tortuous cow-skin knitting packs, large-capacity packs, small shoulder slops. Totto girl.

The new French-language tortuous cow-skin knitting packs, large-capacity packs, small shoulder slops. Totto girl.

ManufacturerISP Co. Ltd.
CategoryLadies' bags.
ColourGold, silver, black, white, chicken, almond, wine red, ribbon powder, chocolate, cavestone green, caramel, jade green.
StyleUrban simplicity
GoodsCow-skin knitter.
Cortical characteristicsCow skin.
Flow styleWeave.
Pack sizeSmall
Listing year seasonFall 2023
The inside.Bullskin.
Package ShapeA cross-section formula
Internal structure of the packageZipper bag.
Outload typeOpen pockets.
There's an authorized brand.Yes
Is there a layer?None
DimensionsBig, small.
Apply sceneEvery day.
Number of roots in shoulder beltsSingle root

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