2024, new, small, new handbags, small, frowned-coloured, tan-sweet-sweety-sweety-sweety-sweety-sweety.
2024, new, small, new handbags, small, frowned-coloured, tan-sweet-sweety-sweety-sweety-sweety-sweety.
2024, new, small, new handbags, small, frowned-coloured, tan-sweet-sweety-sweety-sweety-sweety-sweety.
2024, new, small, new handbags, small, frowned-coloured, tan-sweet-sweety-sweety-sweety-sweety-sweety.

2024, new, small, new handbags, small, frowned-coloured, tan-sweet-sweety-sweety-sweety-sweety-sweety.

ManufacturerGuangzhou Pocket Pack, Inc.
CategoryLadies' bags.
ColourBlue, white.
StyleFresh and sweet.
Flow styleHandbag.
Pack sizeSmall
Pop ElementsColours
Listing year seasonSpring 2024
The inside.Lieb.
Package ShapeA cross-section formula
Internal structure of the packageCell phone bag.
Outload typeOther
There's an authorized brand.Yes
Is there a layer?None
Number of roots in shoulder beltsSingle root
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